Safety Initiatives

Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives

Safety Precedes Everything

The Company acquired OHSAS 18001 certification in 2012.

In 2021, the Company was certified for the international standard ISO 45001, which supersedes OHSAS 18001. This is a testament to our concerted efforts to ensure workplace safety and employee health.

  • • Health and safety policy: Eliminating accidents and continuing zero occupational illness
  • • Priority goals:
    Safety management: Achieving thorough elimination of accidents
    Health management: Continuing zero occupational illness

Health and Safety Management

Health and Safety Committee

Our Health and Safety Committee comprises the General Health and Safety Manager, Safety Manager, occupational physicians, Health Supervisors, and members selected by employee representatives (for the Company and for the labor union). The Committee members meet monthly to report and discuss measures for preventing workplace accidents and health hazards, the results of measuring the working environment, and other matters.

Health and Safety Committee
Health and Safety Committee
Health and safety patrols

Health and Safety Committee members conduct safety patrols to ensure that there are no unsafe conditions or acts. If any deficiency is found, it is promptly corrected, and the results are reported to the Health and Safety Committee.

Health and safety patrols

Safety Activities

Safety education

With instructors trained in-house, we provide employees including those of subcontractors with not only legally mandated special education, but also risk assessment education, hazard experience education designed to prevent workplace accidents for young workers, and training on how to use tools, ladders, and stepladders.

Safety education
Safety education
Action on close calls and concerns, and reports on serious close calls

If employees experience close calls or have concerns about situations that may cause injuries and other hazards if not corrected, the information is promptly escalated and shared Company-wide to take necessary action right away. Of all situations reported, ones considered highly dangerous are treated as serious close calls, for which recurrence prevention measures are reported to and discussed by the Health and Safety Committee.

Hygiene Activities

Personal health goal-setting initiative

The Company requires each employee to set as a personal health goal the reduction of one category of health issue finding during a regular checkup so as to encourage their voluntary efforts. Moreover, we strongly recommend that employees use the health guidance system to review their lifestyle habits.

Mental health care

In an effort to prevent mental health problems, we regularly provide mental health training for new employees and others, and arrange individual consultations with occupational physicians for employees with high stress levels or long working hours.

Efforts to improve the working environment

We conduct inspections by Health Supervisors and periodically measure the working environment to make certain there is no workplace that is detrimental to workers’ health, and identify and correct defects if any.

Efforts to improve the working environment

Disaster Prevention Activities

Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Training

During the annual Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Training, employees are trained to evacuate and confirm damage situation and safety, simulating a major earthquake. It also involves teaching new employees how to fight fires using fire extinguishers, and water discharge training using trucks carrying transportable pumps, thereby providing understanding of the importance of extinguishing fires quickly.

Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Training
Comprehensive Disaster Prevention Training
Basic first aid training and AED placement

Automated external defibrillators (AEDs) have been placed at our major on-site offices, control rooms, and so forth. In addition, we annually provide basic first aid training for team leader-class managers to make sure that first aid using an AED can be administered without delay in emergencies.

Basic first aid training and AED placement

Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives

Certification of Standards for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

Pacific Metals has obtained ISO45001 and JIS Q 45001 certifications, standards for occupational health and safety management systems.

  • ・Registration number: H063
  • ・Registered on: February 16, 2012
  • ・Updated on: February 16, 2024
    (Transition from OHSAS 18001:2007)

By enhancing the level of systems, we promote safe working environments and foster a safety culture with the aim of eradicating occupational accidents.